
Android Library for handling uncaught exceptions and sending it to installed IssueBot program for posing to bug-trackers.

View the Project on GitHub busylee999/issue-handler


Android Library for handling uncaught exceptions and sending it to installed IssueBot ( program for posing to bug-trackers. The challenge of using this library it is simplify to store bug issues of your developing Android projects


  1. Handling uncaugth exceptions and posting it to preinstalled IssueBot Android Application on phone your app running for posting it to bug-tracker system IssueBot supports.
  2. Installing IssueBot if it is not on the phone.
  3. Automatic attaching addition files you need to store for issue in bug tracker.

Quick start

  1. Add dependency for you project.
  2. Add init code in Application.
  3. Specify server url and file path

You can look for sample project.

Adding dependency for project:

Using gradle:

Add external repository in build.gragle file in your gradle module folder uses this lib or edit build.gradle file for all project:

apply plugin: ''

repositories {
        maven {
          url ''

android {

And add dependency:

dependency {
compile 'com.busylee.issuehandler:issuehandler:2.0.1'

This is preffered approach. But it is suitable only if you have internet connection.

Using arr file:

Simple download latest version of aar file from aar-files directory of this repository and add it as dependency for your project.

Using in project:

In your custom application class add IssueHandler init in on create method. Issue handler lib now uses Application context for create intents for aware user about Exception.

public void onCreate() {

And add annotation for your Application class. This annotation defines library setting.

        serverUrl = "your/redmine/server/path"
        filePath = "/path/to/file/from/application/private/directory"

If file path is specified in @IssueHandlerSetup annotation, assumed that file located in application private directory. This file must be marked as readable for another application. File location is not a required parameter. If your file location is constant specify it in annotation, otherwise you can ommit filePath definition in annotation and specify it in init method

IssueHandler.init(this, "path/to/file/be/attached");

Note: If you want to attach file for issue you need to specify file permissions as readable for everybody especially if you created it in application own directory.


Latest version in mvn repo is 2.0.1.

New in 2.0.1:


Copyright 2014 Popov Dmitry

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.